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For this reason the earliest members of the Society established throughout the world educational institutions at both high school and college levels, in order to provide and nurture their students intellectually, culturally and spiritually so they could lead meaningful, significant lives.
In this same spirit, the Commission for Youth Ministry of the Jesuits of the China Province seeks to escort the young as they face the challenges of an ever changing world on their journey toward the Presence of God, not just to enrich their own lives, but to reach out to better the lives of others.

The Commission for Youth Ministry

On August 25, 1997 98 Jesuits together with over 10 collaborators and observers came together at the Manresa Center of Spirituality at Jing Shan, Changhwa City for a three day meeting entitled “A Vision to Share.” At this time the Fr. Provincial Beda Liu Jia-zheng appointed Fr. Howard Lui Jing-qi, Fr. Ignatius Hung Wan-liu, Fr. Olivier Lardinois (Ding Li-wei) and Scholastic John Li Hua to form the Youth Ministry Commission. Though they were from far different backgrounds, they blended together for a common purpose and united effort.

20131012%e9%9d%92%e5%b9%b4%e5%85%b1%e8%9e%8d%e5%bd%8c%e6%92%92Our activities

During these few years the Youth Ministry Commission together with the collaboration of Sisters who share the Ignatius tradition has organized “Encounter with the Lord” prayer camps, “Listen and Respond”dis-cernment camps to introduce and share with young people the methods of prayer and discernment found in St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises. We also arranged for a series of “Sitting together” and “Watching a Movie Together”” activities and accompanied Chinese youth for international activities in different countries in Asia and Europe, such as World Youth Day, Asian Youth Day, Magis Life Encounters, Discover Spain Pilgrimage, etc. These were all intended to nourish their spiritual lives and satisfy their longing for the love of God.

Vision and Mission

In order to combine and integrate all present resources, the Commission for Youth Ministries is called upon to be a group that appeals to and is familiar with youth, to assist them as they mature spiritually and discern their direction in life. It is all so that they will know Jesus more intimately, love Him more ardently, and follow Him more closely.

Our mission objectives

.To specifically support and participate in the Church’s Apostolate for youth.

.To promote the importance and dedicate ourselves to the youth ministry through contact and companionship through personal effort and ongoing attention.

.To organize and sponsor youth activities such as prayer camps, discernment camps, pilgrimages, emersion experiences, etc. to deepen their faith and their understanding of life.

.To produce spiritual publications for youth, such as “Companions: A News letter for friends of the Sciety of Jesus, China Province”, “To Go on a Pilgrimage”, and “Dream, Vision and Practice”.