
在梵二大公會議沸揚聲中的1962年,馬尼拉總主教桑多斯樞機(Cardinal Santos)要他設立一所全教區的要理學院,並擔任院長。顏神父以一貫語帶幽默的口氣回憶道:「你要把整體計畫呈給主教,而且跟主教說,〝錢的事情,您不要擔心!〞」。




從1985到1994年,顏神父受命轉換跑道--從馬尼拉襄助全球耶穌會士關懷中國的使徒工作(DCA)。定期出刊〝Correspondence〞(通訊)雜誌,報導中國教會的近況動態。每年組團前往中國旅行訪問,傳遞訊息、支援(書籍、金錢……)當地「百般待舉」的苦難教會,做了許多「只能做、不能說的工作」。馬尼拉總主教辛海綿樞機(Cardinal Sinn)代表梵蒂岡教廷,於1987年11月正式訪問中國的所謂中梵關係「破冰之旅」,由共產中國的總理趙紫陽官式接待,是顏神父工作的重大成就之一。由於辛樞機是他多年的「把臂」(buddy)之交(有照片為證),行前的籌劃、全程的參予、和詳實的記錄,都是不可多得的史料。




附件為一首英文的詩作〝My Friend Pepe Calle, S.J.〞,By Ms. Sonia Roco,是為慶祝顏神父85歲生日而寫的。我認為,內容和文體仍適合目前的場合。


My Friend Pepe Calle, S.J.

When your mother held you in her arms
Did she know of God’s loving plan ?
Did she hear the beating of the drums
That one day you will leave behind your happy clan
March on to offer yourself at thirty-one
To be a priest of God
Always ready to obey, and shed blood
Till today, October 1, at age eighty-five ?

Nobody ever knows
The design of God’s plan for us
We discover it as it grows
And unfolds slowly as a mystery does.

So was it with Pepe Calle’s life
Full of surprises, full of adventure.
First assigned to teach at Sto. Domingo site
Then suddenly was changed to venture
As a young missionary to China.
“How can that be ?” he asked.
This cannot be final.
Take off your masks
Tell me why.
Do I have a say ?
No ! All you have to do is obey.

From that first act of total obedience
Flowed the blessings of experience
Which began to test, then enrich
This young priest so much
That at 85 and still going strong
With God’s abiding love, nothing will go wrong.

China in the year ’47 was his first destination.
But in ’49 the Mao-Tse-Tung won.
Imprisoned and tortured were fellow Chinese Jesuits.
Missionaries of Christ’s light
Willing to die, unceasing prayer
Were their weapons to fight
For the Faith so deeply rooted
They couldn’t be booted.
Though persecuted, they persevered
As martyrs, greatly admired, supremely revered.

Only God knows His plan for His beloved Pepe.

In ’52 from China he was expelled
Sent to the Philippines where he excelled.
Ordained in the City of Pines
He met Fr. Nolan, the Columbans, the SCANs
Worked and inspired so many of the youth with his zeal.
All for God’s glory, it was real.
He formed CCP to train catechists for the public schools
Then with a formidable team
Set up the East Asia Pastoral Institute
Prepared and provided the needed tools
Wrote the modules for long-term use.

For thirty two productive years
He gave his all, blood sweat and tears
To the youth, teachers of religion
Here and in all of the Asian region.

Then as times went by
Pepe had to say good-bye
To many many dear and treasured friends
Whose lives he has touched.
Even to those who had hurt him, & need to do amends.

He was missed much ……..
But God’s plan for him was to go back where he began
Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

Like God’s soldier, in humble obedience
Another 15 years of new challenges and inconvenience
He offered before the Lord.

Pepe’s faith deepened by the year
The Lord’s prayer was his strongest sword
To reach and bless the hearts and minds of those
Who have not heard of God’s living word.

At 85, he said with great pride,
“Where I am now and what I am is because of my obedience
To God’s will. Not my will, but yours be done.”

His mother may not have known
God’s loving plan for her son Pepe
85 years ago, but now she knows.
Her son is God’s beloved,
Like Jesus, a priest forever.

What a great gift was your birth !
What a wonderful offering.
Let all the bells ring
For joy and with mirth
Be happy, be grateful. Rejoice !
For Pepe’s gift of life
Was and is a gift to us all.

Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia !

your friend, Sonia Roco
